Welcome to the first Release Notes post for GoVIP! The service is getting to a place where documenting changes and new features for new and prospective customers is more important, as we gear up ready to release the product to the public!

So, let’s run you through the changes we’ve been making to GoVIP this month!

New Features

  • An early version of the new “Reporting” tab on the Community Management page is now available.
    • As we increase the number of reporting metrics available to Community Managers, you’ll be able to build an in-depth insight into what works with your community, and what requires more work!
    • We’ll be increasing the amount of reporting tools available to you in the coming weeks, however for the moment – you can still view some basic realtime statistics for your community, including:
      • The current member count for your Community
      • The number of members who have successfully joined, or have been referred to your Community within the last 24 hours.
      • The amount of activations that have been submitted in the last 24 hours.
    • Retrospective reporting is coming, however will not be available for dates prior to the introduction of such functionality.
  • You can now disable Multi-Factor authentication on your account if you have set it up.
    • Note that you’ll still need to provide an MFA code in order to disable the functionality. If you have lost access to your Authenticator app, you’ll still need to get in touch with us on [email protected].
  • You can now delete Activations from your Community.
    • When you’re finished with an Activation in your community, you can now remove it using the brand new red “Delete Activation” button at the bottom of the “Manage Activation” page. A couple of things to note:
      • Deleting an activation will remove any History Event information, and Submission History entries for that activation.
      • Deleting an activation will not deduct any points previously awarded for completion of that activation.

Bug Fixes

As always, we’re squashing any bugs we encounter during our own internal testing, or those which are reported to us. Speaking of which, we’ll be rolling out an in-app reporting functionality soon – so watch this space!

  • Addressed an issue preventing scrolling inside of modal dialogs on some smaller devices.
  • Fixed an issue when calculating completion eligibility for an activation:
    • Previously, the “minimum tier” wasn’t being correctly respected whilst the system searched for activations available to any given user. The system would, however, recognise this issue when the user attempted to submit an activation – causing an error.
    • Activations which have a “minimum tier” requirement configured – that the user does not meet – will no longer show in the list of Available Activations.

Minor Changes

  • Minor adjustments to the header bar, featuring a new centred view
  • Minor adjustments to the ‘My Communities’ dropdown menu in the header bar, which now:
    • shows the icon for each community you’re in
    • includes handy links to both join another community if you have an invite, or create a new community!

Have any feedback?

If you have any questions, comments, or find any issues in the latest release of GoVIP – let’s talk! Just shoot an email to [email protected], we look forward to hearing from you!

What our customers think...

When I first decided to embark on a new concept for an EDM record label and internet radio station I reached out to Ammedia Digital who instantly recognised what I was trying to achieve and are continually working closely with me to realise my vision. This isn’t just ‘customer support’ – this is a client partnership!



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